My two favorite hobbies are food and traveling. When I’m preparing for a trip abroad, I’ll research the region to death. I want to know what I should see, but more importantly, what I should eat or what special ingredients I should try to get my hands on. The problem is, I don’t have the time or the resources to visit all the places on my list. And so, Regional Recipes is born*!

What's Regional Recipes?
It's a blogging event that celebrates food from all over the world! Each month a region will be selected and people should post a recipe originating from that area. Submissions should be for a particular dish or should spotlight a particular ingredient that is widely used and somewhat unique to that region. To make it really interesting, I think participants should give some background about the dish or ingredient. By background, I’m not thinking just facts, but maybe a little story. Give us some context. Why is this dish great? How did you come upon it? During your travels? Did a friend make it for you? Your mom taught it to you? That type of stuff.
All right then, let’s get started! For the Regional Recipes kick-off, I’ll start with a place that is a popular vacation and food destination: Greece!
Greece has been at the top of my list for as long as I can remember. I’m attracted by the rich history, the mythology, the promise of warm days and blue waters. And of course, there’s the food. If my family is reading this, they know where I think we should go on our next family vacation.
What do you think? Sound fun and challenging? Already have a dish in mind? Grand! Read the rules below to find out how to participate. I’m not very good at following rules myself, so I’ll keep it short. If things need to change, we can do it as we go. Please feel free to leave comments or advice. This is my first time starting an event, so any help is always appreciated.
*Thank you to Wandering Chopsticks for coming up with the name and for answering all of my *dumb* questions. Thanks also to my Hubby for helping me with the logo and other computer shit I don't know how to do.
The Rules:
1. Make a dish, write it up and include a picture. I really think pictures give people an idea of what the dish should look like and convince them why they should try it.
2. In your write-up, make sure you link to this page so other people can find the information on this event. As a courtesy, please include a link to the current host. Hosting a blogging event can be a time consuming task, so let’s give the hosts some recognition.
If you want a logo to include in your post you may use this one:

Simply copy and paste the following HTML
(If you are viewing this in a feed reader, you may not see the code. To get the code, you'll have to come to my site)
3. Submit your entry to the host. Include your name (or handle), your location, your blog’s name and URL, the permalink to the post and a picture that is about 200x200 pixels (give or take), unless a different size is requested by the host.
4. Entries should be submitted by the 15th of the month so the round-up can be posted on the 20th.
I'll be hosting the inaugural event. Send your entries to blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com by midnight on the 15th of October. If you’re interested in hosting future events, please let me know and I’ll get a list started.
Who's Hosting Regional Recipes?
#1 Greece Blazing Hot Wok, deadline October 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#2 Japan Wandering Chopsticks, deadline November 15
email: wanderingchopsticks(at)gmail(dot)com
#3 Thailand Blazing Hot Wok deadline December 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#4 France Open mouth, insert fork deadline January 15
email: susancarrier(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
#5 India Blazing Hot Wok deadline February 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#6 Mexico Wandering Chopsticks deadline March 15
email: wanderingchopsticks(at)gmail(dot)com
#7 America [eatingclub] vancouver deadline April 15
email: email(at)eatingclubvancouver(dot)com
#8 Turkey Blazing Hot Wok deadline May 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#9 Korea Wandering Chopsticks deadline June 15
email: wanderingchopsticks(at)gmail(dot)com
#10 China Blazing Hot Wok deadline August 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#11 Spain Blazing Hot Wok deadline September 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#6 Mexico Wandering Chopsticks deadline March 15
email: wanderingchopsticks(at)gmail(dot)com
#7 America [eatingclub] vancouver deadline April 15
email: email(at)eatingclubvancouver(dot)com
#8 Turkey Blazing Hot Wok deadline May 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#9 Korea Wandering Chopsticks deadline June 15
email: wanderingchopsticks(at)gmail(dot)com
#10 China Blazing Hot Wok deadline August 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#11 Spain Blazing Hot Wok deadline September 15
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#12 Scandinavia Eats Well with Others deadline October 15th
email: jhbruno87(at)gmail(dot)com
email: jhbruno87(at)gmail(dot)com
#13 Cuba Blazing Hot Wok deadline Nov. 15th
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#14 Pacific Islands Blazing Hot Wok deadline Dec 15th
email: blazinghotwok(at)gmail(dot)com
#16 Middle East Eats Well with Others deadline Feb 28, 2010
email: jhbruno87(at)gmail(dot)com
#16 Middle East Eats Well with Others deadline Feb 28, 2010
email: jhbruno87(at)gmail(dot)com
Regional Recipes Round-ups
#1 Greece
#2 Japan
#3 Thailand
#5 India
#6 Mexico
#7 America
#8 Turkey
#9 Korea
#10 China
#11 Spain
#12 Scandinavia
#13 Cuba
#14 South Pacific
#15 Brazil
Awesome idea. And Greek food is so under-rated too. I can't wait for this one.
Great idea Darlene. I'm of course really disappointed that the first region wasn't Denmark/scandinavia, but since Smagstid made it in to the logo I probably can't complain :-)
Maybe I'll get into this food blogging event, though I've never been to Greece or cooked anything but moussaka of that region ... i think.
But looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Lars, it doesn't matter if you've visited before. It's about sharing delicious regional food, which you could have come across from a friend with a passed down family recipe or trying to re-create something from a restaurant.
Alex, I agree! I love Greek flavors, and they can be so varied. I hope you'll submit something!
Yay! You finally started it. You know I'm a big supporter so I'll have to scan through my photos and see what I've got. :)
Sounds like fun! I'm a tad intimidated as I've never done an event before, but perhaps I'll get my toes wet on this one! Now to decide upon a recipe ... hmmm ...:-)
Paula, no need to be intimidated. It's definitely not a competition. Just get into the kitchen and do your thing!
Love, love, love the idea! My brain is going a million mile an hour to thing of a greek dish...I have a few that I make, but don't have pictures of, damn. I will definately get this going though! Thanks for the inspiration.
Ah! This is something I've yet to to try cooking... Weird, because we love going to Greek restaurants but never attempted any of it at home. I hope I can get something done in time! :)
What a great event! I'll definitely try to participate often =)
I just found out about this event, great idea. I hope to participate on the following ones.
What a great idea! I love trying out recipes from all around the world, so will definitely be participating.
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