Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inquiring minds want to know: what's on your Turkey Day menu?

Everyone is blogging about their upcoming Thanksgiving feast and I'm starting to feel left out. The problem is, I don't really have recipes or photos to share, at least not until after the meal. I will share the menu, in case anyone is looking for any last minute inspiration or is just plain curious. There will only be 4 people for dinner, the three of us and MIL, so I've kept it simple. No reason to make an inordinate amount of food that we will be forced to eat for the next 10 days.

This is what's on the Turkey Day menu:

  • Butternut and apple soup (I made a double portion earlier in the month and froze some with the intention of using it as a starter on Thanksgiving.)
  • Turkey confit (I made this in advance to give it a few days to ripen.)
  • Wild mushroom sauce (Maybe mixed mushroom sauce is a more appropriate description, but wild mushroom sauce sounds more sophisticated :-)
  • Mashed potatoes and parsnips
  • Cranberry-organge sauce (Hubby and Sonny are not fans, so more for me!)
  • Winter greens, blue cheese and toasted pecans with a sherry vinaigrette (I might throw in some homemade bacon, if there happens to be any left by Thursday.)
  • Some kind of homemade bread or roll (Most likely pumpkin rolls, but not quite sure yet. Any suggestions?)
  • Pumpkin pie (I prefer pumpkin bread pudding, but the kid really likes the pie and it's easy enough to make.)

I want to know, what's on your Turkey Day menu? Do share!

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